New seasons are full of change.
Grandma doesn’t wait for the new year, she uses Fall as a catalyst for change. That’s right, there is still time to finish the year off strong.
If you have been neglecting yourself due to work or a full family schedule, it is the perfect time to reevaluate priorities. Before Thanksgiving travel plans creep up and holiday shopping becomes a burden, evaluate life as it is now. Small changes can have a massive impact on your mood and output. This is not only about taking time for your sanity, but your body as well. This will be vitally important during the upcoming stressful holiday season.
Sleep Deeply
Grandma recommends getting enough sleep, and she knows this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Turning off all electronic devices one hour before bedtime has been shown to increase relaxation. Reading a book or a magazine, doing crossword puzzles, and knitting or sewing are also great ways to rest your eyes without having the glow of a screen in your face.
Restorative Exercise
This is not the same as going to the gym, unless that is something that personally relaxes you. Light stretching, walking around the neighborhood, swimming are all exercises that you can do to take care of your joints. Just 15 minutes a day of any of these restorative activities can help your body feel more alert and responsive, especially if you have a desk job.
Eat Well
Making good food choices can feel burdensome, but the rewards are numerous. Grandma enjoys juicing as a fun way to pack in lots of nutritional value quickly. If she doesn’t have enough time for juicing, she tries to make sure she has something green twice a day to keep her tummy happy. Do what’s right for you. Remember, simple routines stick.
Create A Morning Routine
Waking up and going right to work can make the start to you day feel chaotic. Even answering emails first thing in the morning or scheduling meetings can make you feel stressed. Instead, why not make time for yourself in the mornings. Waking up and focusing on yourself can have positive results on your energy and workflow.
Lastly, Grandma loves having a list of three things that are most important to accomplish for each day. Don’t add habitual activities to your list. Instead, write down the “out of the ordinary” activities that must get done. Having a focus for your energy can help you cut through the clutter and make things happen. Making a list also helps narrow down projects and work that should take precedence over other activities.
Grandma knows that healthy habits begin with a positive outlook. When you have even a little more time for yourself, things accomplishing goals feels possible. It isn’t about forcing more into a day. It is about prioritizing what matters most, which includes YOU.
Grandma would love to encourage you to treat yourself to her herbal soap sampler of 12 different herbal soaps for a relaxing bath.