Six Ways To Make An Herbal Bath

Six Ways To Make An Herbal Bath

During these short days and long nights, Grandma has taken time to reflect.

She noticed that many of her loved ones, like many of us, are too hard on themselves. When our list of responsibilities is too great, we set ourselves up for failure. Too many times we mistake our failures as a personal shortcoming.

“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we're all in this together.” ― Brené Brown

 Grandma has been reminding us that we are only human and that it’s natural to make mistakes. To be human is to be flawed, which has lead us to believe that Grandma is actually a magical super hero…

With Grandma’s musings in mind, we’d like to encourage you to offer yourself the same kindness, generosity and grace you give others.

 A simple way to be good to you is by simply allowing yourself to be human. Allow your self to rest or take a day off. Sometimes all we need is a little personal time to revitalize our drive and sense of purpose.

You don’t have to feel guilty about taking a vacation, enjoying personal time or saying no. Every now and then, personal time is exactly what we need to reenergize.

Grandma has found that a simple way to mend a tired soul is a long warm bath. She put together six ways to create an herbal bath that calms and rejuvenates:

  1. Add dried lavender to bath water or hang a bushel beneath your shower nozzle for relaxing experience.
  2. Add fresh rose petals to a hot bath for a luxurious and revitalizing soak.
  3. Hang eucalyptus beneath your shower nozzle or add to bath water to soothe stuffy sinuses.
  4. Add mint leaves to a warm bath for an invigorating soak when you’re feeling “under the weather”.
  5. Add chamomile to bath water for a calming soak that will make you ready for a good night’s sleep.
  6. Add rosemary to warm bath water for reviving soak that soothes tired muscles.

 Grandma’s herbal baths are just one way that she allows herself to rest. She also suggests doing activities that allow you to shut off that nagging voice in your head. Activities like walking, sports, gardening or reading can lift us out of a place of stress and into one of peace.


Consider placing herbs in cheesecloth to prevent small leaves or flowers from coming loose in bath water. Use one of Grandma’s Herbal Soaps to enhance your herbal bath.


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